We're happy you're here.
"We’re so glad to be your neighbors in this town of learning. As award-winning authors, educators (and parents!) we’ve spent over 30 years walking alongside caregivers and families as they raise confident children who love to read, write, and play."
- Pam Allyn and Dr. Ernest Morrell

Pam and Dr. Ernest, with decades of educational leadership between them, are brought together by a shared vision to change the lives of every child through the power of reading, writing, and storytelling.

They have built literacy programs that spread throughout the country and world, reaching millions of children and boosting student reading and writing skills.

Pam & Dr. Ernest apply their decades of experience and research and put it into their renowned seminal texts, Every Child a Super Reader and Tell Your Story.

Pam, Dr. Ernest, and their team of experts at Dewey created PALS Town, where six lovable Pals spread the magic of reading, writing, and storytelling through joyful adventures.